Thursday, September 13, 2012

Internet Safety

The Internet can be a exciting and educational space. The Internet can be to connect with friends and family, or communicate with people from all over the world.  The Internet is a vast resource of knowledge and information and a powerful tool for learning and communicating.  But, while the Internet is powerful and full of positive opportunities is also can be a dangerous place.  We have spent the last week learning about Internet safety in class.

Here are some basics:

  • Never share names, schools, ages, phone numbers, or addresses.
  • Never open an email from a stranger - it may contain viruses that can harm a computer.
  • Never send pictures to strangers or view pictures that strangers send.
  • Keep passwords private (except to parents).
  • Tell a trusted adult if something mean or creepy happens on the Internet.
Check out a some of these safety web sites:
Enjoy the Internet but, be wise and safe while you are surfing the net!


  1. I hope we have a safe and fun year this year!

  2. I've learned a lot in the past couple of weeks about internet safety, and i think I am ready to have fun in this class

  3. Internet safety is very important.

  4. Internet safety is to remind you to becareful what you doing

  5. Internet Safety is very important and people need to learn that. Be sure to keep your personal information to yourself, and be safe.

  6. Internet safety is so importent to know.

  7. That blog had some good and useful information about internet safety.

  8. Internet Safety is very important because you can get hurt or even die if you give a person to much information that is why you shouldn't give someone that you don't know your address, cell number, location, ect.

  9. you have a typo in your blog, other than that awsome a great blog

  10. Hey,
    Never share personal information or passwords

    ,Good bye

  11. Hello, I have learned a lot these first three weeks in Computer Applications about internet safety. and i have learned that is very important, and it is very important to keep you personal information to your self.

  12. Hi, internet safety is very important, you have to watch what you say and what you put on the internet.

  13. Is there a way to know if there's a virus in a message; and can that virus spread to other computers?

    1. Good question. I think the only way you can know if a message you are downloading has a virus is to scan it with your antivirus software first. Your antivirus should be able to catch it if it has a virus. But, you can never be 100% sure. If you do get a virus you can spread it to other computer through disk drives, USB drives, and emails. Hope that helps answers some of your questions.

  14. Internet safety is very important. It is important to keep your personal information to your self.

  15. Hey, I have learned a lot in just a little amount of time in Computer Applications. I enjoy being able to take this class.

  16. I think this is some very useful information to know. I'm looking forward to learning more about the internet and ways to have fun, but still be safe.

  17. Hey, I've learned a lot about internet safey these first weeks of school, and I can't wait to start having fun in this class.

  18. Internet safety is very important, and I've learned a lot about it. You need to watch what you say and what you put on the internet where everyone can see, and never put personal information here!

  19. Computer Applications are cool, and awesome! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):) ;0

  20. Hello I have been learning a lot these 3 weeks of school and they have been going great!!! Especially Computer Applications I really like it cause I am learning a lot of internet safety and the rules of the web. Thank you Mrs. Johnson for being a great Computer teacher!!!

  21. I have learned alot of stuff about internet safety these past few weeks. I think its good that we have all this rules. Lets hope all follow them so we all have fun on the internet.

  22. Ha I have learned that peoples life can be messed up all because of the "INTERNET"

  23. Afternoon:), Internet Safety this year is so important to know, no matter what other people say (they just dont know whats goin on in the internet world). Well anyway this class very enjoyable, because you get to actually do stuff. But yea this is going to be a very interesting year. :)

  24. I have learnd a lot about internet safety so far this year and i know i will learn so much more this comeing year about the internet and computers and i plan to learn a lot more in Computer Applications this year.

  25. Well hello there, i have heard and learned a lot so far in this class. I am a lot better at typing and internet safety. I am looking very forward to share a great school year with all of my teachers!

  26. Hey internet safety is important because if you're not careful someone could be looking through your personal information.

  27. So far this year, you have taught us alot about internet safety, and what to do and not to do when your on the internet and honestly I think it will pay off later on.

  28. This is all true and I agree. The internet is a positive source ,but there are many people who try to do bad things online. So it is good that we have learned these rules,so we can be safe online.

  29. Hey,Internet Safety is very IMPORTANT

  30. Internet safety is very important

  31. I have learned that internet safety is very important. I think it is very important to be safe on the internet because you can have a stocker and they can find out where you live and they can track you down, and watch you sleep. So you should really listen when someone is talking about internet safety.

  32. Hey,
    well in the last 3 weeks I've learned alot about internet safety. It's very important to stay safe and don't share any personal information with anyone. We've learned alot about spelling errors, grammer, and proper puntuation.If you come across anything that makes me feel scared, uncomfortable. or scared to report it, flag it and tell an adult. Never send a picture of yourself to anyone over the internet. If you receive any file over the internet from someone you don't know I will not open it and delete it! So far Computer Literacy has been really fun and I hope it gets even better. Always remember Stay Safe Online!!

  33. In the first there weeks I learn not to do things that will ruin my reputation of is by posting things on line .Because it will all catch up with you.Like if you post thing about something about your boas that was not good the next day you will be fired.And now you got no job .Sow think about it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. all of this is true! i do NOT want my idenity to be stolen! if you think i do the you are one of them.....just kidding! :) this year will be just great i know it! have an awsome and great year! :) :) :)

  36. This year is going to be a safe and fun year if we all follow the internet safety rules.

  37. In these past 3 weeks I learned so much about Internet Safety, and how important it is to know all the safety rules for Internet Safety. Sometimes, you will make a mistake and all you'll have to do is go back and fix it and correct it. There is so much more to learn.

  38. It is so cool I just can not want to start.


  40. Hey, internet safety is a big deal. Over these weeks i have learned alot about it. If you dont know about internet safety, dont get on the computer because unfortunatley,we have some creepers out there...

  41. Hey, internet safety is very important, and I think that everyone should know how important it is. I have learned alot about the internet and how easy it is to find personal imformation about people. I never thought the internet was that big a deal until this class. So, im always careful when on the internet.

  42. I agree with you because the internet is VERY powerful and also dangerous. I hope we have an safe,awesome and fun year. ! I will remember to always think of internet safety !

  43. Hey guys I think that Internet safety is really important and you should always watch what your doing. You might fall into a dark abyss of problems. It is really simple for some one to actually take everything away from you on the Internet. So WATCH-OUT! Or you will lose everything!
