Friday, September 21, 2012

Busy Week

This week has been a busy but successful week. We have learned about the major internal parts of a desktop computer, such as the heatsink, hard drive and RAM. We have successfully cleaned and upgraded the RAM in 20 machines. Then, reinstalled those machines in the lab and now they are up and running like new.  All my students have worked very hard and done a great job.  Hopefully the lab will run smoother and we will get to dive into all kinds of interesting projects in the weeks to come.


  1. On Wednesday we worked on the computers and put a new ram in it. We all had fun cleaning the dust out of the fan and learning about were the mother board is and a lot of other things.

  2. Hi,im in secend period we did the same thing and it was so fun some of that the stuff was in my mouth and it was so nasty ,the stuff was a lot of dust

  3. On Wednesday we put 2GB of RAM in our computers for our computer app. class we cleaned them too. We had lots of fun while working on them and seeing the inside of the computer.

  4. That was fun,we should do more hands on work.

    1. Hi itwas fun in 3th period too it was dusting in here

    2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope that we can do some more hands on project this year.

    3. Agreed, I love the hands on stuff. It helps me understand a lot more then just on the computer.

    4. I second that statement. Working on the computers and replacing RAM's has been kind of fun!

    5. It is fun working on the computers I hope we can do it a lot more this year.

  5. Hey
    It was fun and easy and a good experience


  6. That stuff with the computer was fun

  7. This week we have been working on computers. We uptaded the memory to 2GB. They are more faster than before so we can do things faster.
    This is a fun thing to do and we learn about the things inside a computer. It's really fun thing to do and I like working on computers in this class. That is all we have done on the inside a computer. We are making a model of a computer.We pick out pictures of the internet and we are building our own computer onm paper. It's really cool and I hope every pone agrees it really coool! If you ever have the chance to do it you should take the opertunity

  8. That can was cold afterwords!

  9. Hey. This week we have been working on the inside of computers.FUN.

  10. This week we have been working on the indside of computers and learning lot's a things about them. It's been fun!

  11. Working on computer this week has been fun!!!

  12. Hey! This week was cool getting to look inside a computer. Plus it was really helpful...These computers are running so much faster!! Thank you!

  13. Hi, this week was fun working inside a computer monitor!
    THANKS, Mrs. Johnson!

  14. This week in Computer Aplications it went by great we learnd a lot about whats inside a computer, went inside, cleaned, and put a new ram in side the computer tower so the computers in the class room would work a lot faster. It's like we got new computers!

  15. Hey! This week was fun we learned alot about computers done fun things i like when we had to spray the compters even though they were dusty THANKS, Mrs. Johnson!!!

  16. This week we have been learning about the inside of computer. Well, on wednesday we put in new memories an dusted it out but it wasn't that fun it was kind of boring but thanks to the friends for making the project better.

  17. We have been very busy this week, and had fun. In our computer there was a LOT of dust, and cobwebs. It was disgusting.

  18. This week was very educational and also very cool. Even though the inside was super dusty it was still very entertaining to know about how the inside of a computer works. This week was awesome!

  19. That was so fun! I learned so much i never knew before.I quickly learned how dirty it can get(I'm talking dirt in my mouth and nose and freezing hands after that... We even had a spider in ours!). I hope to do this more often! Thanks Mrs.Johnson!

  20. This week was absolutely fun!!! I never knew that I could put a memory ram in a computer without breaking it. I'm so happy that we got to use our hands this week. Hope we get to use them very often, and I had a fun time Mrs.Johnson ,THANKS.

  21. Hey, I have missed alot this week and hope to catch up more on Tuesday. I have been working hard on my work that you have sent me but I can't figure out how to do assignment where we had to print out the hard drive, motherboard, RAM, ECT.. I was hoping you could email me and help me figure out how do glue it properly on the peice of paper representing our tower.

    1. Hey, check your G-mail. I sent you an email with some instructions. I'm glad you read the blog. You can also work on your own blog if you get time. Email me back if you have any other questions.
