Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thailand Skype

What a fun day!  Students had the unique opportunity to Skype with a former Kirbyville student who is now living and working in Thailand.   Charity Cucancic is now a missionary in Thailand.  She has been in Thailand for about a year.  She took time out to talk with students about Thai food, culture, weather, and traditions.  Students also got to say hi to our school secretary Mrs. Cucancic who was in Thailand visiting Charity.  Students asked her questions about her experiences in Thailand and about how Americans are viewed by the Thai people.  Charity also gave students a tour inside her home.  She showed them how different her tiny apartment was from most American homes.  It was a great opportunity to get outside the walls of the classroom and visit a totally different country on the other side of the globe.
From our side of the Skype
A view of us from Thailand