Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Week of School

Well, the first week of a new school year is behind us and now that we have gotten acquainted, established rules and routines the real fun begins. This week has be a trying one, but hopefully the weeks to come will be less frustrating and more productive. There is so much to learn and so many fun activities to get involved in its hard to know where to start. What do you think? What would you like to learn from class in the future?


  1. YAY FUN STUFF! And I think computer is gonna be fun this year, and I would like to learn how to use a computer better.

  2. The first week was frustrating trying to get back into normal routine, but I think it will be fun once everything gets to working like it should.

  3. Hi, I think this year will be a fun year if the computers start working better. In the future I would like to learn how to search up stuff better. I can never find the stuff I need to on an computer.

  4. Hi, I think this year is cool but really miss last year,because we had alot of fun.Later on the future, I would try to like this year because this is barely the begin of the school year.

  5. The first week was OK, but it was also scary, but I think I will have a fun year.

  6. I think this year is gonna be a great year, computer lit is a great class.I hope to find out how to work the computer better and learn alot of more stuff about useing one.

  7. computer lit is so much fun this year you can do a lot of stuff this class.

  8. This school year is going good so far.

  9. I guess this year is going good

    1. this year seems to be much better than last year and thats great to me yay..

  10. First week was okay I guess...
    It has gotten better though! Computer Lit is an awesome class.

  11. School is going pretty good so far. (plese comment on my post)

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  13. Hey the first week of school was pretty good i hope to learn alot about computers when this class is over

  14. Hi the first weeks we were getting back to our normal routine. It has gotten easier. I love learning about computer and internet safety. I hope to learn a lot this year!

  15. Hi, the first week was a little hectic. But now its
    been getting better. I hope to learn more about computers.

  16. Hi, The first few weeks of school have been pretty good I guess. It was definitely hard to get back on a normal school routine. But, I think this year will be a good one! So far Computer Applications has been pretty fun. I can only hope it gets better. In the future I would like to learn about searching things. Its always hard to find just what I'm looking for because of all the choices. Computer Lit is a great class!

  17. I didn't like the first 2 days of school but hey the rest of that week went well.(:

  18. I hope we get to learn alot more computer information
    in this class this class has been very fun.

  19. i dont like school but i have to go but this class is beast cause my bestfriend kelli is in this class:)

  20. The first two weeks of school was good because i was able to meet new people . Also we did a lot of fun stuff in all my classes . So i hope we do a lot of fun stuff this year

  21. Hey, this years computer literacy class has been a very slow starting one.Compared to last year at least, but when i am comparing this one to last year it has many more things to do, the games and learning devices we use are more advanced, and we are having an easier time being able to stay ahead in this ever changing technology of this generation. I'm planning on having a very productive and fun filled year in this computer class.

  22. Hey I think this year will be a fun year if the computers start working better. In the future I would like to learn how to search up stuff better. I can never find the stuff I need to on an computer.

  23. Hello, Computer Lit. is really fun. I hope through the year we get to do even more fun activities. So far the computers have been acting slow because we have such a large class. I cant to see what you have in store for the rest of the year.

  24. Hey, this is going to be a fun year in Computer Lit. I really can not wait until we get in the middle of the school year because i think that's where the fun is going to begin. Well, I guess im going to have to wait to really start seeing the fun!

  25. Hello my fellow earthlings, i think this year is going to be a joyful year do to the fact that we have our teacher Mrs.Johnson. After this year though I get to go to high school. So Im going to enjoy my child hood while I can.

  26. Hi I think this year is going to be a cool year ,because i like to leaarn about computers .i hope in the future we can do more cool stuff

  27. This is my first year in Computer Applications and I have been enjoying myself alot, but there are some things I find very aggurvating with the class itself. For instance, sometimes out computers dont fully load Google Chrome so I can get on my email. On the up side, we have a very good teacher that knows how to fix most of our problems so we can get the most out of the little time we have. All around so far Computer Applications has been very enjoyable and I am looking forward to a great year.

  28. hey, I would really like it if the computers worked like they are supposed to and get faster as we go.I would really like to learn how to look things up better because I'm not very good at that right now. another thing I would like to learn is how to make all kinds of editing on power points.

  29. That was MEGA AWESOME with a big fat A+!When will it get any more fun!

  30. My comment is that this school year has been a good school year.I have learned how to use computers better in computer applications.I hope that the end of the school year will be alright.

  31. The first of school was fun. The only thing that gets on my nerves is these SUPER SLOW computers. other than that I think this class is going to be really fun.

  32. Hi Mrs. Johnson, it's James. I agree that the first week of school was trying, I was the new kid remember? I think that this 1st school semester is going to be great in Computer Literacy. In class, I would like to eventually learn how to make movies off of the movie making thing, I don't remember what it's called. I hope that well have fun in this class!

  33. The first week of school was kind of hard, and frustrating,but after I got used to all the rules and procedures I started to like it more and more.Now it is the third week of school and im enjoying all my classes I realy like Computer Literature,because I like being on computers and working with technology.I am excited and ready for the next weeks to come.

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  35. O yah fun stuff huh .....

  36. Hello how is your day been. This is going to be a great year I hope we have a great year!

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